09/23 Race for the Cure
You are invited to join TAP-OC as we partner with the Southern California Chapter of North America Taiwanese Women's Association (NATWA) as "Team Taiwan" in the Susan G. Komen Race […]
You are invited to join TAP-OC as we partner with the Southern California Chapter of North America Taiwanese Women's Association (NATWA) as "Team Taiwan" in the Susan G. Komen Race […]
Please join TAP-OC in its 1st Thank You BBQ as we thank our community partners and supporters, and celebrate this successful past year over delicious food! Let us appreciate YOU. […]
Feeling that guilt from indulging a bit too much mashed potatoes and stuffing during Thanksgiving? No worries, we've got you covered with a post-holiday run at Mile Square Park to […]
For those of you that have requested that we host more hikes, your wish has been granted! New year, new you! Let's get together and conquer the Crystal Cove hike. […]
Spring is here and who's ready for some fun time harvesting for a good cause? Every year Orange County Food Access Coalition (OCFAC) harvests hundreds of thousands fresh products that […]
Come join TAP-OC on our Spring Kickoff Hike as we take on a simple yet scenic hike at Bommer Canyon in Irvine! With all the recent rain, we can't wait […]
We’ve got big plans to make a real impact for the community here at TAP-OC. Are you ready to be a part of it? Earthroots is developing a 200-year plan […]
Heritage Museum of Orange County brings history to life at the “6th “Annual From Dinosaurs to People: Reliving Orange County’s Past”. This one-day only free family event will explore Orange […]
**Registration is required** Get ready for Beachella 2019 with TAP-OC and TAP-LA! Come Seas the day with TAP-OC and TAP-LA! If you tend to stay at home, come out of […]
SAME PLACE. SAME FIGHT. NEW NAME. THE RACE FOR THE CURE IS NOW THE MORE THAN PINK WALK! You are invited to join TAP-OC as we partner with the Southern […]
Come by our TAP-OC Booth #12 in the Cultural Exhibits at the upcoming Irvine Global Village Festival as we share a bit of our culture through yummy snacks, trivia and […]
?? Come celebrate the Lunar New Year with us and check off that fitness resolution with an invigorating hike! We will be traversing Buck Gully Trail, a 5-mile trail in […]